

Once introduced as a hippie journalist who believes a dance party can solve any problem. Reporting from Pakistan, Mississippi, Arkansas and Standing Rock. Mostly at VICE. Feminist. Travel notes & photography from Iceland, Mexico, Italy & around. Sometimes talking about music & stuff that would interest Gen-X -cusp- millennials.

Posts in mexico
Oaxaca, Mexico

Oaxaca is a colonial city, so it has a bit of a European vibe (ornate cathedrals, universities), and it's the capital of the state of Oaxaca, so it's also quite urban (fantastic restaurants, street art, museums - including the stellar contemporary art museum MACO - and galleries and boutiques). Because of it's strong indigenous culture, it's a political city. 

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Puerto Escondido: the locals' beaches

Gulls circle low to catch one-off's from the fishing boats. Men on the shore hawk "seven beach boat tour" to tourists, except that there really don't seem to be many tourists. The shallow expanse of sand is ringed by hut-style restaurants, and little boys stand on the wet rocks and fish using a line and a cardboard square, and grin and scramble when a fisherman whistles at them and tosses handfuls of guppies. The small fish flash silver on the rocks and the kids grab them in bare handfuls and shove them in a nylon backpack to use as bait.

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